1 minutes de lecture

From today till December, the 31st, Sennelier is organizing a contest for those who want to win the full range of the 60 Acrylic colours of Abstract. Looks like Christmas is coming earlier…!

#‎abstractphotochallenge‬ event is open and free of charge, you’ll have just to take a selfie with a tube of Abstract colour, and that’s it! After that, you’ll have to post on your Facebook page with the hashtag #‎abstractphotochallenge‬ 


ABSTRACT, sennelier, peinture, art

How to participate ?

#‎abstractphotochallenge Contest by Sennelier has opened and will close on the 31st of December 2015.

  • Take an original picture-selfie showing you and your pack of ABSTRACT acrylic paint either in your favorite store, or in your workshop, or against a natural background, or in the street, or with one of your work… Let you imagination take place! – it doesn’t really matter where, the only thing that counts is your originality. It’s really simple – all you have to do is to post your photo on your Facebook Page.
  • To apply, you will need to post your selfie on your Facebook page with hasthtag #‎abstractphotochallenge  and win a maximum of votes.


Selfie’s definition ?

“Self-portrait taken with a digital camera or a mobile phone. The photo is often shared with others through messages or by social networks for attesting the presence on a place, with someone or something”. (Source Wikipedia).


I participate :

As a coulour lover I am, I have therefore tried my luck. And I must confess that I was much amused to do these pictures. I even had a giggle all alone! Among these photos, guess which one I’ve chosen!  

If you could vote for my selfie, it would be much appreciated!

>> My Selfie just here ! <<


Your turn !

You want to participate?

Now, you know the terms of the contest and you have an idea of selfie.

Then you can go on Sennelier Facebook Page and try to win the 60 colours of the Abstract range! Feel free to apply and let it know to your Facebook network so that it will make climbing your score!

    Bannière Géant des Beaux Arts    

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