2 minutes de lecture

Want to learn a little tip that will give new style to your watercolour paintings?

This tip is so easy to reproduce, economical and time-saving when making geometric or floral patterns

Come and see, I’m sure you’ll love this article!


My love for wallpapers

You can see in my paintings that I like graphic repetition and wallpaper patterns. Lately, I also wanted to add similar patterns to my watercolour paintings.

I tried several techniques: freehand, stencils, with plastic wrap, salt or sponges but nothing was ideal because the results were not completely regular and sometimes too random.

Then one day, while I was enjoying myself during a watercolour painting session, I discovered that it was possible to create amazing graphic effects with paper towels in one easy way. This new idea will certainly absorb you!

To the right picture: Relief-patterned or embossed paper towel.


Materials required

These products are currently available at GreatArt Online  and can be ordered to collect from their art supply shop in London Shoreditch or delivered to your home.

NOTICE: This technique is inspired a bit by art stamping and repentir with rags, except that here we work on wet colour with paper towels to make prints.


How to make a nice background?

  • Take a sheet of watercolour paper + a brush and apply watercolour paint.
  • Take a relief-patterned paper towel (dry) and put it on the wet paint.
  • Lightly dab the paper towel with your fingers and then remove it.

  • Voilà, a new print appears on your watercolour paper!
  • Let it dry completely, then afterwards you can go on your painting!


Remains of watercolour paints on towel paper.


  • The same sheet of paper towel can be reused several times if you let it dry.
  • Absorbent relief-patterned paper has 2 sides. The deeply-embossed side (instead of a dot-embossed side) leaves more beautiful prints.
  • It is better to work on fine grain watercolour paper because the torchon grain paper is less accurate.
  • You can use liquid watercolour if you add water, otherwise the colour remains too concentrated.

Prints on watercolour paper.

My pictures

Easy tip to get nice handmade labels

I’m sure you will not look at your toilet paper and paper towels the same way again!

And if you’re like me, you’ll find yourself with a toilet paper collection while waiting for your next watercolour painting!.

    Bannière Géant des Beaux Arts    

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